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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3

MW3 Rampage
Captain Jack
[G4L] P.K.
20 posters

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Level 5

This games hit detection is absolute crap. Knifed the same guy in the back twice and he didn't die. He turns around knifes me. WTF?!

That's freaking ridiculous!


Level 3

@Demonic: You sure he wasn't cheating? Sundown and I had this one guy the other day that was harder than heck to kill. I'm not sure if anyone killed him or not, but he seemed a bit too good/hard to kill. Not sure if he was cheating or what, Ibut I remember Sundown complaining about someone being THAT good (or something like that)


Level 5

SunDown complaining? That's not like him. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Page 3 2182320263


Level 5

Hahaha! That's real fricken funny Rory. No, seriously Rory. The guy LTG was informing you about was definitely a hacker. He took bullet after bullet after bullet. I hate hackers just as much as the rest of you guys do. That's why I was really pleased to hear, Treyarch is supposedly developing another patch file that will eliminate all hacking/moding.


Level 1

finally found my way here, guys. great matches the past few days, and sorry sundown for stealing "your" kills. :) i wish i had a decent camera to capture these matches with, because we've been kicking ass.

i agree with what you guys think of the hit detection. i've seen people lying prone with their back to me who have gotten up once i've started shooting them, slowly turned around, and killed me with one hit while i'm still riddling them with bullets. it mainly seems to be at short range that that sort of thing happens.


Level 5

Nice to see ya here Nerrel! Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Page 3 631737971

The hit detection in MW3 is the absolute pants! I can easily knife the same guy 3 to 4 times in the back and I either get a hit marker (from a knife?!?) or it completely misses, he can then immediately turn around and knife me with one strike. Whaaaaaat?!?

Another thing I hate is the akimbo machine pistols... everybody uses them to the extent that you have to use them to take them out. The MP9 or FMG9 and the PP90M1 are the main guns I ever see people use...

Oh and the size of the maps, they're probably the smallest maps I've ever seen in a CoD game. I'm not joking, these maps are tiny compared to other CoD maps in the series and I'm sure this helps the spawn system be absolute fail too.


Level 1

Demonic wrote:
Oh and the size of the maps, they're probably the smallest maps I've ever seen in a CoD game.

true, but the maps are still bigger than anything in GE. GE's biggest map was outpost and it's about the size of mw3's medium maps. on one hand that means more running around, on the around hand it means less running around the same paths over and over. i really like the maps overall, even if they don't have much character to them.

totally agree with you about the akimbos. they're just as powerful as a full submachine gun, so giving people two at once is beyond retarded. not being able to ADS seems to have no impact on their performance, they're lethal any range. the fire rate was halved for akimbos on the HD consoles, i pray they do the same for wii someday soon.

i still think stun grenades are worse though. Mad even with the turning speeds maxed out i can't even fricking face the guy who's shooting me for five whole seconds?! WTF!?


Level 5

Nerrel, what time do you usually play? I'll plan on playing in about a half hour or so.


Level 5

Nerrel wrote:i still think stun grenades are worse though. Mad even with the turning speeds maxed out i can't even fricking face the guy who's shooting me for five whole seconds?! WTF!?

That's the point of a stun grenade. :P You can't move until it wears off. You might as well go straight into prone and hope he bypasses you.

Akimbo machine pistols need to go, I don't mind the akimbo pistols because they're not a constant spray. I hardly see anyone use the LMGs in this game which is a good thing, probably because they're so dam weak and you really need a gun reloaded in 20 seconds because you can get shot from any angle.

I'll get on in a few minutes, see how things go.


Level 5

I'll see you on in a bit. But I'm pretty sure I know how it's gonna go. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Page 3 1625187496

Captain Jack

Captain Jack
Level 2

Might go on in about 45 minutes to an hour
love that .44 magnum akimbo


Level 1

Demonic wrote:
That's the point of a stun grenade. :P You can't move until it wears off.
yeah, but they're ridiculously overpowered. i don't have a problem with the concept of startling people for a moment, but completely incapacitating someone for such a long duration in a game based on split-second reflexes? stupid. you definitely shouldn't have two of them if they're going to be that powerful.

you at least have to give the person who's stunned a chance to fight back. goldeneye's stuns were much fairer, even if they were a little underpowered. you could still see enough to shoot if you were paying attention.

i've noticed that the people who really abuse stuns are also using akimbo machine pistols and strikers. in other words, skill-less noobs. :P

[G4L] P.K.

[G4L] P.K.
Level 3

I'll be on in a few hours or less if anyone cares to have some games. I might be trying to play some spec ops to change it up if anybody wants.

@Nerrel, good playing with you the past few days and nice to see you here on the site. Some games later? I'll be on if you're free. I agree with your discussion w/Demon regarding how overpowered concussion grenades are, but as for akimbo it is true you are nearly invincible for the first kill, maybe even two but after awhile you get greedy and start over firing, wasting bullets and such, and either get killed reloading or flat out run out of ammo altogether. :O


Level 5

Demon and I are gonna play some Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Page 3 525947757 . Hurry up and join us if you want to play with the cool kids! Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Page 3 631737971


Level 5

I guess no one wanted to play with the "cool kids". ;)

Good games Rory, not a single rage. :P


Level 5

I sent you text messages on MW3 Demonic. It's 1 p.m. where I reside, and I'll be ready to play in the next 15-20 minutes.


Level 5

Yeah they were. Even though the last game I had was pretty bad. But I blame that on my bad shotgun skills, and those damn campers. If my score or the team score is falling behind, I usually bring out the guns that I'm the best with.

I'll be back on in about 30 minutes. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Page 3 631737971


Level 3

Dang. Missed it.


Level 5

I'd like to thank all of the Cool people that joined up today.

Nerrel, LTG, SunDown, Demon, and Lun. Good games! We tore it up for the majority of the games. We did struggle against the FMG spammers, but I'm sure if we went up against them again it would be a different outcome.

And I'm sorry about the extensive swearing in that last game. It really annoys me when people pull that kind of stuff, especially when it's on our side.


Level 1

rory, if i had a mic you'd have heard me yelling far worse things at my tv, trust me. Laughing

that 2 yellow bar clan was one of the worst times i've had with the game, every annoying or cheap play tactic just crammed into one match. all of them using akimbo FMGs, stuns, flopping on the ground every time they fought, prefiring around corners, not responding to direct shots, arg. that burned me out on the rest of the matches we did today!

i suspected they might have been hacking, but there were a lot of really obvious hackers after that. maybe if they didn't make these games one right after the other they could devote more time to supporting them. even a company as small as high voltage managed to do a much better job with hackers on conduit 2.


Level 5

Is anyone gonna play this tonight? I don't know I if I want to play this or RE:R. I guess it depends on if anyone is gonna be on tonight.


Level 5

I would've played with you but my dam battery died... just as me and Sun were camping on Bakaara in Spec Ops... ah well. Maybe we can all play tomorrow.


Level 1

What time do you all normally join up?


Level 5

Depends on when I'm in the mood to play, so I'll usually get on at random times. By the way, since you're here, you'll be a recruit for about a week or so before you become an Official Member. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Page 3 631737971


Level 1

sorry those matches weren't working for you today demon, i think it's hard to get a host that works for a party with people in two different countries.

i had been playing some hardcore team deathmatch using pistols before that and it was a lot of fun (got the usp to 500 kills!). they're lethal even at long range in that mode and it's harder to friendly fire a teammate with them. if any of you are up for it, we should try it with a party next time.

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