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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3

MW3 Rampage
Captain Jack
[G4L] P.K.
20 posters

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Level 5

I'm not sure whether to sell or burn this piece of shit... so many wankers on this game with that god dam retarded akimbo FMG9's!

This dude went 45-11 and he used those things religiously! He didn't use any other gun, FMG9 all the way...

Might write something to Treyarch to ask them nicely to remove that piece of shit! The last update didn't fix that thing in the slightest, still an overpowered piece of wank! And from now I'm going to get my mic and if I see someone using it, I'm gonna call 'em "gay assed retarded fags" because that is EXACTLY what they are!


Level 5

I'll still play with you Demonic, and the rest of you guys as well. But I won't be playing this CoD title religiously anymore. Don't sell it Demonic, because no matter what, we can still play Spec Ops together. And you'll only get around 10 or so dollars for it, anyways.


Level 5

I wouldn't mind playing Spec Ops with you again at some point.

MW3's players have ruined it for me though, nearly every game has a cunty little twat! Either camping, spamming or spraying... it's just a complete and utter piss take! And I can't play with 3/4 of my allies because of that recent update Treyarch released which is pure shite!

7 words for ya


Level 5

Demonic, just give me a heads up my friend. I've been pretty busy with Fishing Resort lately, because there's a lot of fishing equipment to purchase. Once I've purchased everything I currently can, it won't require as much of my time.


Level 5

Whenever you want to play Spec Ops just say, I know you have your virtual fishing to do. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Page 9 631737971 :P

[G4L] P.K.

[G4L] P.K.
Level 3

Maybe it's time for the Campaign, Demon. :P


Level 5

Completed that ages ago... that was the most anti-climatic crap I've ever seen.


Level 5

Demonic, I should have every available piece of fishing equipment purchased by next weekend or earlier this week.

Lun, I still have to begin Campaign mode over again as well. Oh well, I seem to enjoy it more than most people do.


Level 5

Ah cool... I probably won't be able to play until after the weekend anyway... going up to Bristol for the weekend. D:

Also, I found out some info... there's a glitch where if you get "Assist counts as kill" with Hardline Pro as your 23rd or 24th kill you'll get a MOAB, but if you kill someone else after calling in that MOAB you can get another MOAB. Not sure if it's been fixed though...


Level 5

Meanwhile....everything if peaceful in Fishing Resort. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Page 9 631737971


Level 1

Demonic wrote:
from now I'm going to get my mic and if I see someone using it, I'm gonna call 'em "gay assed retarded fags" because that is EXACTLY what they are!
nobody does it better. this is why you have rants named after you Twisted Evil

if it makes you feel better i've raged at this game harder than anyone else. i was getting one shot lag-killed by akimbo users the instant they came around corners for a few whole matches and got so pissed i threw my phone at the wall... only it didn't hit the wall. it flew straight into my nice LCD and broke it.

i've been using a crappy little CRT for the past month or two. even if it's not HD, once you get used to 480p it's super hard to go back. i can barely read text on this old piece of shit!

the moral is, don't let yourself rage at the game unless you're going to do something embarrassingly funny.


Level 5

Lol, what happened when your wife found out about it? Do we need to start an Anger Management thread?


Level 5

@Nerrel Is that why Tech does that "Demon rant" now when you rant about something? Lol.

I haven't broken a telly yet, but I've thrown 2 Wiimotes at a wall before, wow those things aren't very strong. 1 Nunchuk has detached itself from the Wiimote before and hit a car windscreen... neighbour didn't see the little crack though, so all is good. :P

I've also smashed a TV remote, 2 GCN controllers and cracked a keyboard down the middle...

I have a bad temper... couple this with annoying games and I will smash crap!


Level 3

I'm going on. in case someone wants to know. :)

[G4L] P.K.

[G4L] P.K.
Level 3

GE rage makes MW3 rage look like a pansy camp. Back in GE when spending 3+ hours a day trying to level up, I remember smashing my CCP on the ground numerous times. Either I'm a weakling or that thing is pretty resilient. Also, Threw my TV remote as hard as I could against the back wall (it broke into about 20 pieces). By some miracle I was able to line up the numbers and tape up the pieces so that it works for the most part. Also got up once, placed my hands on the right side of my chair, and with a power thrust with everything I had threw it across the room. Luckily it went straight into the closet where clothes were hanging and nothing was damaged. D: Thank god I don't play GE anymore!


Level 5

NOSOUP4U wrote:I'm going on. in case someone wants to know. :)
LTG, I'll join you in about an hour, but I can only play for a few matches.


Level 1

RoryLee wrote:Lol, what happened when your wife found out about it? Do we need to start an Anger Management thread?

luckily i'm not married, if i were that probably would have led to a divorce. i think it's good to keep something cheap you can smash nearby when you get angry so you don't ruin things that cost money. Embarassed

speaking of rage, lun, i hope you're not offended when i call akimbo users douchebags. that clan we played tonight had one of those one hit kill FMG guys who must be using damage or something, man that's getting old.


Level 5

I find CCP's quite resilient indeed. I've thrown mine so many times because of Donkey Kong Country and yet not a single piece of damage... wish the Wiimotes were built like that.

The only thing I find annoying in GE is the Masterbater, the leveling system, the lag and the campy, spammy players with proxies.

MW3s only 'real' problem is the FMG9. That thing needs a damage reduction and a massive rate of fire reduction! It was fun when it started, but now it's just retarded.

[G4L] P.K.

[G4L] P.K.
Level 3

Hey @Nerrel and Demonic, do you mind if I ask you a question? I've noticed your kdr's are quite impressive on MW3. For me, a high kdr on GE would have been a lot easier to understand, since as the lengthy leveling process goes on and on, the guns become exponentially more destructive and the perks/gadgets and such become much more powerful (and it takes forever to have them in your loadout). Couple that with the small maps and games with some players who are not very committed and then there you go. In MW3, As Demonic and Nerrel have said, a player can almost instantly get akimbo FMG9's. That gun and PP90 rapid fire extended mag being hip fired UMP-45 the same way (these are just ones I know of, I haven't explored all loadout possibilities yet). Also, the maps are slightly larger on MW3, so for instance if you for some reason end up running into lots of gunfire, let's say you decide to camp, or even better, take alternate routes (which for me never ends up working, at least for me). In my case, if i'm getting owned it sure as shit doesn't matter which route I choose or whatever, I'm going to get owned and the guns will always be firing down hill all directions down on my head. The problem is that when you turn to camping, the map sizes hinder your kill count, and in some cases can cause me to see just about no one even if I try to move around quietly and inconspicuously.

"I" play the game average, maybe a little below average because of my style of play which doesn't matter to me because I play just to entertain myself for the most part. Does it have anything to do with understanding the spawn system? The more I play I'm starting to believe that It's all about spawning and spawn timing. Come to think of it, the only time I've been able to amass a considerable amount of consecutive kills, it's been just immaculate, just unbelievable, I almost feel ridiculous as I'm doing it, players spawning in front of me and so on.

If anyone else is on the same wavelength as I am, or has any suggestions, or can even in some kind of simple manner, explain a viable strategy that could produce results...eventually. Not necessarily explain the details and every part of the execution of that strategy. I know the guys here are good legit players, so that's why I'm asking. I'm not looking to make improvements overnight or anything.


Level 5

I find the spawn system in MW3 very random, so random in fact I haven't figured it out at all! I can usually get the spawn system down fairly quickly on most CoD games, but this one is just weird!

What I find helps to getting a high K/D is sticking to the outer edges of the map, running through buildings and generally keeping close to the edge of the map and I will generally "camp" in an area or two to hold down the position, especially if they're running through that particular spot on the map. Also, try playing it safe when going around blind corners and if you know people are there, keep it cool and keep your distance and if possible, stand your ground, however that isn't always possible especially if you have a twat spraying filth at you.

But generally, always watch your back...


Level 1

i do exactly as demon does, stay on the outskirts of the map and look in. going into the center of any map is asking for the whole enemy team to shoot you from all sides. i only go in the center when i'm bored or can't find anyone.

also, stay near walls instead of running out in the middle of a hallway or path since it lowers your visibility and makes it more likely that you'll have a corner or some object near for cover if you get shot at. time your sprints so that you're always moving fast when out in the open, don't use your sprint up while you're behind cover.

other than that i keep running in a circle over and over again shooting everyone i see.


Level 5

Circle running ftw! I find Dome the hardest to circle run since you usually have to run out into the open.

Coming up from the bunker = open.
Coming out of the dome = open.
Coming out of the building = open.

It's freaking annoying... yet, I find it one of the most funner maps to play on. Mainly because of the long hallways and alleyways to shoot down. Not to mention, camping on Dome is rather hard because there's only 3 real places you can camp and all of them you can raid quite easily, except for the bunker... I personally can't see crap in areas because it's so dark. :/

[G4L] P.K.

[G4L] P.K.
Level 3

Thanks Demonic & Nerrel!

I will give those tips a try. As you say on maps like Dome it can be difficult to not be in the open. I think that might be true of Arkaden as well since everyone seems to bunch up in one area. Is it just me or is it just gamer instinct to play "King of the mountain" on maps like that? That kind of thing used to happen all too often on GE. Especially coming up the steps on Nightclub.

I do notice that I'm out in the open a little too much...:/ I'm going to try to stay on the outskirts a little more at least in certain situations and see how it goes for me. Nothing like GE where your Loadouts can make you nearly invincible.

Does anybody want to play a little later on?


Level 3

Hey guys im gonna try going on tonight...i hope to see someone :P


Level 5

Might try giving it a go tonight if anyone wants to come join me.

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