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A few improvements

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1 A few improvements Empty A few improvements 12/5/2012, 18:42


Level 5

Made a couple extra improvements to the site and how everything works... haven't added anything too amazing. I've set-up the Homepage so that should now be functioning rather nicely, if you have any problems with it or you think it needs something else then don't hesitate to give me a shout.

I've made a few changes in the profiles, mainly deleted some stuff and fixed a few other things.

I've also deleted that bottom bar, I know some of you found it pain in the arse because it covered parts of the screen when using a mobile device, so that's now been fixed it. Don't fret though, the links are still available from the main page and the Chatbox can still be used from every page... and I'm working on the homepage chatbox so yeah... :P

Have fun guys!

EDIT: The chatbox now works on the homepage!  A few improvements 364988687

2 A few improvements Empty Re: A few improvements 14/5/2012, 18:30


Level 5

Made one extra addition and that would be a Status bar which can be found on your profile. This is more of a test than anything else to see how you feel about it...

It is basically to see how you're doing with the community and if you're applying the forum rules. So, if you receive a warning it drops down by 1 point, if all 10 of your points run down to nought you're banned... you can recover your points back depending upon whether you learned your lesson or not.

Only Moderators and Admins can add and minus a point so there's no cheating it. :P I'll leave it up to you guys whether you want it or not.

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